„Vampire Diaries“-Star Claire Holt hat Ja gesagt

Die US-Schauspielerin Claire holt hat Ja gesagt! Am Wochenende heiratete sie in einer romantischen Zeremonie ihren Verlobten Andrew Joblon.

Die ehemalige „Vampire Diaries“-Darstellerin Clarie Holt (30) schwebt auf Wolke sieben. Wie die Schauspielerin auf ihrem Instagram-Account mitteilte, hat sie am Samstag ihren Verlobten Andrew Joblon geheiratet.

8.18.18 ❤️

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Sowohl die 30-Jährige als auch ihr frisch angetrauter Ehemann posteten Bilder von der romantischen Zeremonie, die offenbar bei bestem Wetter unter freiem Himmel stattfand.

8.18.18 ❤️

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Happy End nach einer Fehlgeburt

Anfang des Jahres musste die Schauspielerin einen schweren Schicksalsschlag verkraften. Damals erlitt sie eine Fehlgeburt. Das traumatische Erlebnis thematisierte Holt in einem emotionalen und langen Instagram-Statement.

I took this photo 10 days ago, as I waited for surgery after my sweet little baby lost its heartbeat. I sent it to my fiancé in the waiting room to show him that I was ok. I wasn’t. I’ve never felt more broken in my life. I debated sharing this so soon and I’m still frightened about making such a private struggle public, but I’m doing it anyway because it's important. After my D & C, I spent hours on the internet searching for women who had been through it. I was desperate to find someone, anyone, who could relate to what I was feeling. Someone to tell me that the depression and hopelessness were normal. That it wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t broken forever. I found a community of women who shared my exact experience. Who were open and vulnerable about miscarriage, something that isn’t often or openly discussed. It breaks my heart to think that losing a baby feels like something we have to keep to ourselves. Why is it any different than the death of a loved one? How is it any less meaningful? Here is what I have learned as I begin to crawl out of the dark hole: support is everything. I could not have survived this without the unconditional love of my partner. Despite his pain, he was my rock and my safety net. I will never know how to thank him. I also found that opening up to people is crucial. As soon as I told my story, almost everyone I spoke to told me theirs – their own, their wife’s, their sister’s. So many people go through it and understand the breadth of pain, yet so few people talk about it. Finally, I want to share a blog post that resonated with every part of me. You can find the link in my bio, @leandramcohen of @manrepeller articulates the emotional rollercoaster with an eloquence that I could never possess. To anyone out there who has been through a miscarriage, I understand you. I share every bit of your pain and you are not alone. Please be kind to yourself and I hope that you will be comfortable sharing your story too.

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Holt hatte sich im Dezember 2017 mit dem Immobilien-Unternehmer Andrew Joblon verlobt. Zuvor war sie ein Jahr lang mit dem US-Filmproduzenten Matt Kaplan verheiratet gewesen. Die beiden hatten Ende April 2016 geheiratet.

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